Monday, October 20, 2008

The Founding of Christ Church

In 1925 a small group began meeting on Sunday mornings for Christian worship. Among those ministering to the spiritual needs of this group was Frederick Eve, a layman who served from 1925 until 1929. He and other laymen (Stanley Kay-Parry and Arthur G. Edmonds) also served the many West Indians then entering the country, by maintaining services at an Anglican Mission. Early in 1930 the need for a regular Church building was apparent. An appeal for subscriptions met with a ready response, and within the year Christ Church was built. First used for worship on Christmas Day, 1930, it was dedicated two years later by Dr. Anstey, Bishop of Trinidad.

At first services continued to be conducted by laymen. In October, 1932, the Rev. J.L. Robinson, formerly Chaplain in the Trinidad Oilfields and in the Royal Navy, became the Chaplain in Maracaibo. In December 1934 he was succeeded by S.Kay-Parry, one of the founders of the Church, who had since been ordained and who continued to serve as Chaplain until April 1951.

Where We Are

Christ Church is located on the corner of the intersection of Avenida 8 and Calle 74. Maracaibo is laid out in blocks formed by the intersection of the Avenidas which run approximately due North and South, and the Calles which run approximately due East and West. Thus, if you tell your taxi driver to take you to the IGLESIA PROTESTANTE en LA ESQUINA DE LA CALLE 74 CON LA AVENIDA 8, he will have no difficulty in finding Christ Church for you.

Of course, the Avenidas and Calles in Maracaibo often have names, known to all but not posted on the street signs. Avenida 8 is known as Santa Rita. So - you could also ask to be taken to LA ESQUINA DE SANTA RITA CON LA 74. Taxi drivers from the larger hotels will know where you want to go, and no matter how you get here, we'll be glad to welcome you.