It was 78 years ago today that the first service was held in the building which is home to Christ Church Maracaibo.
Each year as we celebrate the wondorous birth of our Lord Jesus Christ we also celebrate the anniversary of our church building and the uniterrupted service which this congregation has offered to the English speaking community of Maracaibo.
Services were held regularly by a group of English-speaking Christians beginning in 1925 and by 1930 the need for a regular Church building was apparent. An appeal for subscriptions met with a ready response, and within the year Christ Church was built. It was first used for worship on Christmas Day 1930.
We hold all former members of Christ Church and our past Pastors in our prayers today in a special way. Without them and their dedication we would not be a congregation today. Their service has permitted our ministry. And all has been possible and justified because of God's gift of the glorious birth of the baby Jesus so long ago. The connection over the centuries with other Christians is one of the blessings of our worship tradition.
Today we thank God, and we honor our predecessors for the many blessings which we have received and continue to receive here in Christ Church every day.
Merry Christmas to all, and Happy Anniversary to Christ Church!!